
Image Maps-Links to Images

Image maps are images that, when clicked on, perform similarly to hyperlinked text. The difference is that you can map URLs to certain portions of the image. For example, you could create an image map with graphical symbols for parts of your business (support, information, products, etc.). When the user clicks on these graphical images, the user is taken to the pages on that particular subject.

Because maps require the user to download an additional image, you should incorporate into your documents only when they present a distinct advantage in navigating your web pages. By using the GNN Hosting Service product along with GNNpress, you can create quick and easy image maps.

The browser, in this case GNNpress, requests a page that contains an image map. It also requests the corresponding image and displays it in the page along with the text. The user clicks somewhere on the map image. GNNpress sends the coordinates of the click to NaviServer running at the GNN Hosting Service, which then processes the coordinates and determines which "hot spot" the mouse was near when it was clicked. It then returns the URL that is mapped to the hot spot. If the spot clicked on is not mapped, then the default URL is returned instead. GNNpress retrieves the page designated by the URL and opens a new window.

Make an image map:
  1. Select an image in your document that you would like to place hot spots on. Choose the menu Element->Image Map to get the GNNpress - Image Map dialogue.

Image Map dialogue

The following are the items available in the Image Map dialogue:

Map Name This is the name of your map file,

which is different from the name of

the image. Map names end with .nvm,

which replaces the ending of your

image file (e.g., .gif). You can

rename it if you wish.

Create Rectangle The image you have just selected is

located in this box. This is the work

area for creating your map hot spots

with the rectangle tool. To select a

hot spot, drag a small rectangle in

the desired area of the image.

Rectangle List This is a menu list of your map hot

spots. The coordinates of the

rectangle are listed along with the

URL of the item.

Location This text area is where you type the

URL you want your rectangle to map


Rectangle in When the Image Map dialogue opens,

Pixels the four pixel boxes have zeros.

After you select a rectangle in the

Create Rectangle box, the pixel boxes

show the coordinates of the

rectangle. You can also make

rectangle selections by entering the

exact pixel coordinates.

Selection Type: Choose Rectangle to select rectangle

Rectangle or hot spots. Choose Default to select

Default the default location (the URL that

appears if no selection is clicked on

the image map).

OK Closes the Image Map dialogue box .

Cancel Closes the Image Map dialogue box

without making the changes.

Add Adds a new selection or hot spot to

the image map.

Change Allows you to edit any URL selection

you have made.

Remove Removes the rectangle or hot spot


Up Moves the rectangle or hot spot

selected up one line.

Down Moves therectangle or hot spot

selected down one line.

Browse Allows you to browse your local files

or any networked NaviServer for

choosing map links.

Help Provides an on-line Image Map Help


Example: insert a specific image map:
  1. Set the default location by clicking the Default button under Selection Type.

    If nothing is chosen for default, clicking outside all hot spots has no effect.
  2. Enter an URL in the Location field (e.g., for the default selection.
  3. Click the Add button. The default location has now been set. If a user clicks on a spot that has not been mapped, this default URL page appears.
  4. Click the Rectangle button under Selection Type.
  5. Depress your cursor on the parts of the image you wish to select. Hold down the cursor and draw a rectangle to select a hot spot.
  6. Enter the URL in the Location field (e.g., for the first map selection.
  7. Click the Add button. Don't be afraid if you make mapping mistakes at first. Mappings that have been added can be removed by choosing the Remove button. Try the map again.
  8. Repeat the above steps for each URL you wish to be mapped. When done, choose the OK button.

The image map you have just created has a fine blue line surrounding it, which indicates that the image is a link-possibly an image map, but it could also link to a normal page. Click on the hot spots you have just created and the hot spot's page appears. Click on the MiniWeb for this page and you can see the icons that designate images maps.

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